In the year 2000 Ken’s firm was hired to do a facility analysis of a group of schools. Among them was Beckley Elementary. In doing a comparative analysis between this school, build in the 1970’s and a new prototype elementary it was learned that the school was actually better in some ways. The classrooms were actually built bigger in those days. However, Beckley was extensively deficient in the areas that service the entire school population. These included the library, the multipurpose room, central rest rooms, office and rooms immediately adjacent to those areas supporting them. The architect was also tasked with designing proper security for the site without looking uncomfortable. Also, visitors had trouble finding the existing approved entrance. Here is the old entry. Above is the new.
Between 2000 and 2005 CCSD completed a toilet and HVAC remodeling followed by hiring Ken’s firm to redo the remaining areas. A new MP room addition was designed. The area of the old MP area was then reconfigured to accommodate a new enhanced library and the central section including the old library was expanded to make new offices comparable to those in a new prototype.
Ken Small personally created the interior design solution and the architectural building addition using the existing school colors and theme. Here is an example of one of the color boards shown to the educators for approval. Many interior schemes were considered before the owned selected what they wanted. Extensive daylighting studies and construction documents were completed before the client decided not to construct any new daylighting and instead restore some old. Considerable exterior modifications were made to the school also including play equipment canopies and a new entry to enable improved visitor orientation.